Meaning of Our Name - ARHAT :
Arhat means a person who has realised the true self. It is the epitome of the Yoga Sutra no 1:2, “yogas chitta vritti nirodha” the stage where one is free from all afflictions of mind.
Yoga Sutras have laid down 8 limbs called Asthanga Yoga for the journey of all souls:
Similarly the ultimate aim of Sound and Music Therapies is also to free the person from afflictions of mind.
At Arhat, our Yoga classes are not just spiritual, they are fun, they have a new element everyday and irrespective of that we never deter from our final objective of integration of Body, Mind and Soul.
Whether it is a Yoga class, a Sound Therapy, Yoga Therapy or Group Sound Healing session, Meditation or any other activity at Arhat, we are always striving towards bringing in peace for all not just physically but also mentally and more importantly Spiritually.
Arhat is also a place for Meditators, with its unique healing energies always in flow, we encourage and invite all Mediators to come and meditate in our studio with the divinity … just a drop a message and come and meditate in the peaceful environment.